About CaliforniaColleges.edu
CaliforniaColleges.edu provides tools that help students, parents, educators, and K-12 districts smooth the path to college and career.
From exploring potential career paths to launching and tracking college and financial aid applications, CaliforniaColleges.edu helps students discover their college and career goals, make plans for how to achieve them, and launch into fulfilling futures.
CaliforniaColleges.edu currently provides transcript-informed tools to more than 1.5 million students in more than 215 K-12 districts. The California Cradle-to-Career Data System will enable all California K-12 districts serving 6th-12th graders to provide these tools to their students, free of charge.
Students can
- Access college planning and application tools that are personalized using their own transcript data.
- Explore easy-to-understand information on career paths, college options, and financial aid.
- Plan coursework and view progress towards meeting the CSU and UC “a-g” eligibility requirements.
- Launch and monitor applications to college and financial aid systems, including California Community Colleges, California State University, the University of California, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and the California Dream Act Application.
Parents can
- Monitor their children’s progress and benefit from parent-specific college and career planning content.
Educators can
- Use reporting to monitor progress and view their students’ college and financial aid application statuses through one platform. This allows them to offer additional support to students who need it most.
K-12 districts can
- Access Technical Assistance from the California College Guidance Initiative (CCGI), which manages CaliforniaColleges.edu. This process helps ensure the data informing student accounts is accurate, and it unlocks tools that help inform key decisions about students’ college admissions, first-year academic placement, guidance, and financial aid.