Cradle-to-Career Dashboards
This page describes the dashboards that will be available in the Cradle-to-Career System, including the expected actions that various constituencies would be able to take after reviewing data produced by the data system and the specific content that would be visualized in the dashboard.
Pathway Diagram
- For All: demonstrate the educational pathways from high school graduation to postsecondary education and employment, demonstrate differential outcomes for various student populations, and foster greater awareness about the interconnection between education, employment, and earnings
- Infographic showing the flow of students over time through each phase of education from high school to postsecondary, to identify when individuals exit the postsecondary education system, plus a second infographic that shows how many individuals start working once in postsecondary, their wages while enrolled, wages after graduating, and how that intersects with specific types of education pathways
- Disaggregation by: a) academic year, b) statewide/school district/legislative district, c) student characteristics (including race/ethnicity, gender, age bracket, foster status, and homeless status)
- Export with the ability to provide summary files or charts based on the variables selected
Early Education
- For Families: clarify the value and impact of subsidized early education programs on later academic success to inform decisions about participating in early care and learning programs; build awareness about institutional variables that influence student outcomes; support advocacy for resources related to early education
- For Teachers and Counselors: clarify the relative level of preparation for students in different types of subsidized early care and learning programs related to both third grade success and English language mastery; identify interventions that can address equity gaps; support decisions about intervention strategies and advocacy for resources
- For Administrators and Policymakers: identify the types of subsidized early care and learning programs that are effective; highlight equity gaps; identify institutional variables that influence student outcomes; inform where resources are directed
- For Advocates and Researchers: identify examples of subsidized early care and learning programs that are effective at preparing students for elementary school; identify potential strategies for closing equity gaps, raising awareness, and developing policy proposals
- Infographic showing whether children who participated in early education programs have stronger third grade math and English language art (ELA) scores and are less likely to be assessed as English Language Learners, compared to similar students who do not participate, plus a chart showing how outcomes vary based on contracted program type
- Disaggregation by: a) academic year, b) statewide/region/district, c) student characteristics (including race/ethnicity, gender, early learning and care entry age, childhood English language learner, early learning and care family income level, child with a disability, foster status, and homeless status), and one of the following d) contracted provider type, state program type, half day status, duration of enrollment, and type of K-12 institution
- Export with the ability to provide summary files or charts based on the variables selected
Primary School
- For Families: clarify why having students attend school can help boost high school graduation and postsecondary enrollment to inform decisions about school attendance; build awareness about institutional variables that influence student outcomes; support advocacy for resources related to attendance
- For Teachers and Counselors: clarify how key primary school momentum points relate to high school graduation and postsecondary outcomes; build awareness about the context of institutional variables that influence student outcomes; identify interventions that can address equity gaps; support decisions about intervention strategies and advocacy for resources
- For Administrators and Policymakers: identify the types of social service interventions that are effective at improving long-term outcomes; highlight equity gaps; identify institutional variables that influence student outcomes; inform where resources should be directed
- For Advocates and Researchers: identify examples of primary school programs that are effective at improving long-term outcomes; identify potential strategies for closing equity gaps, raising awareness, and developing policy proposals
- Infographic showing the relationship between chronic elementary school absenteeism, high school graduation, and postsecondary enrollment, plus a chart showing how figures vary based on the participation in social services
- Disaggregation by a) academic year, b) statewide/region/district/institution, c) student characteristics (including race/ethnicity, gender, parental education level, K-12 socioeconomic disadvantaged status, foster status, and homeless status), and one of the following d) grade level and four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate
- Export with the ability to provide summary files or charts based on the variables selected
College and Career Readiness
- For Families and Students: clarify historical trends for postsecondary enrollment rates and success at their children’s school, in comparison to other schools, to support school selection; build awareness about institutional variables that influence student outcomes; support advocacy for improvement in postsecondary preparation
- For Teachers and Counselors: identify where students are pursuing postsecondary education and if they are meeting both immediate and long term postsecondary success milestones; clarify how to focus advising related to preparation for math and English, financial aid to support full time enrollment, and education plans to support completion; identify interventions that can address equity gaps; support advocacy for improvement in postsecondary preparation
- For Administrators and Policymakers: specify how the College/Career Indicator (CCI) relates to postsecondary outcomes, including the value of each component in predicting the types of postsecondary institutions, majors, and programs that students pursue to inform accountability frameworks; highlight how outcomes vary by student characteristics; identify institutional variables that influence student outcomes; support advocacy for improvement in postsecondary preparation
- For Advocates and Researchers: understand predictive factors related to postsecondary success; evaluate the impact of recent policy changes related to college and career pathways; identify potential strategies for closing equity gaps, raising awareness, and developing policy proposals
- Infographic showing the proportion of students enrolling in postsecondary education and institution type, plus separate graphs showing postsecondary outcomes including number of units completed in the first year, completing transfer-level math and English requirements in the first year (community college only), retained fall to spring of first year, continued to second year, earned an award, and median time to award
- Disaggregation by: a) academic year, b) statewide/region/district/institution, c) type of K-12 institution, d) student characteristics (including race/ethnicity, gender, parental education level, military status, childhood English language learner, K-12 socioeconomic status, foster status, and homelessness status), and one of the following d) postsecondary institution type, postsecondary institution, completed a college course while in high school, completed a K-12 career and technical education course, completed a K-12 career and technical education pathway, completed high school, time to enrollment in postsecondary
- Export with the ability to provide summary files or charts based on the variables selected
Transfer Outcomes
- For Families and Students: clarify historical trends for transfer eligibility, transfer rates, and four-year success at different community colleges to support college selection; build awareness about institutional variables that influence student outcomes; support advocacy for improvement in transfer pathways
- For Faculty and Counselors: clarify where students are transferring and if they are meeting both immediate and long-term success milestones; identify how to focus advising related to fulfilling transfer requirements, financial aid to support full time enrollment, and education plans to support transfer; identify interventions that can address equity gaps; and support advocacy for improvement in postsecondary preparation
- For Administrators and Policymakers: specify how available majors relate to transfer outcomes; support strategic enrollment management; highlight how outcomes vary by student characteristics; identify institutional variables that influence student outcomes; support advocacy for improvement in transfer pathways
- For Advocates and Researchers: understand predictive factors related to transfer and bachelor degree attainment; identify potential strategies for closing equity gaps, raising awareness, and developing policy proposals
- Infographic showing the proportion of students who become eligible to transfer, earn an associate degree or associate degree for transfer, transfer, and the type of institution to which they transfer, plus separate graphs showing the time to transfer and time to completing a bachelor’s degree after transferring
- Disaggregation by a) academic year, b) statewide/region/district/community college/four-year college, c) student characteristics (including race/ethnicity, gender, age bracket, parental education level, military status, received financial aid, foster status, and homelessness status), plus one of the following d) time to transfer from first community college enrollment, earned a postsecondary award, type of community college award, type of private college award, postsecondary award discipline, declared four-year major, type of four-year institution, time to transfer after exiting community college
- Export with the ability to provide summary files or charts based on the variables selected
Financial Aid
- For Students and Families: clarify how financial aid enables students to enroll in and complete postsecondary education, including the total cost of attending college, to support decisions regarding applying for financial aid; build awareness about institutional variables that influence student outcomes; support advocacy for improvements in state financial aid systems
- For Faculty and Counselors: clarify whether students are securing financial aid and how this relates to postsecondary education applications, enrollment, and success; clarify how to focus advising; identify interventions that can address equity gaps; support advocacy for improvements in state financial aid systems
- For Administrators and Policymakers: specify how access to sufficient financial aid relates to postsecondary access and success to inform budget decisions; highlight how outcomes vary by student characteristics; identify institutional variables that influence student outcomes; support advocacy for improvements in state financial aid systems
- For Advocates and Researchers: clarify how financial aid relates to postsecondary applications, enrollment, and success, and if all students are benefiting from aid; identify potential strategies for closing equity gaps, raising awareness, and developing policy proposals
- Infographic showing proportion of students who receive federal, state, and institutional aid (including loans) who apply to and enroll in college, compared to similar students who don’t receive aid (based on eligibility criteria for state aid), plus a separate graph showing common four-year declared majors and the time to an award for students with and without aid, plus a separate graph showing the types of industries in which students secure jobs and whether they attain the living wage, plus a separate graph on amount of debt
- Disaggregation by a) year, b) statewide/region/district/community college/four-year college, c) student characteristics (including race/ethnicity, gender, age bracket, parental education level, military status, foster status, and homelessness status), plus one of the following d) type of financial aid, type of postsecondary institution, declared four-year major, type of award, postsecondary award discipline
- Export with the ability to provide summary files or charts based on the variables selected
Employment Outcomes
- For Students and Families: clarify likely earnings for specific degrees, majors and programs, and the most common industries in which students are employed, to support decisions about which program of study to pursue; build awareness about institutional variables that influence student outcomes; support advocacy for education offerings
- For Faculty and Counselors: highlight the alignment of programs with the labor market and timeframes for attaining living wages to inform advising and curriculum development; identify interventions that can address equity gaps; support advocacy related to education offerings
- For Administrators and Policymakers: specify how postsecondary course/program offerings and advising relate to employment and earnings outcomes to inform scheduling, program review, and recruitment efforts; highlight how outcomes vary by student characteristics; identify institutional
variables that influence student outcomes; and support advocacy about the role of education in rebuilding the California economy - For Advocates and Researchers: highlight whether postsecondary institutions are providing a ladder to economic security for all populations; identify potential strategies for closing equity gaps, raising awareness, and developing policy proposals
- Infographic showing employment match rates, earnings gains, and earnings for graduates in the year after leaving postsecondary education or an apprenticeship, plus a separate graph showing how those figures change over time, with benchmarks throughout for living wages
- Disaggregation by a) academic year, b) statewide/region/district/institution/community college/four-year college, c) student characteristics (including race/ethnicity, gender, age bracket, parental education level, military status, financial aid status, foster status, and homeless status), plus one of the following d) type of postsecondary institution, postsecondary award disciple, type of postsecondary award, transfer status, apprenticeship status, and post-college timeframe
- Export with the ability to provide summary files or charts based on the variables selected
Teacher Training and Retention
- For All: Provide a landscape view of pathways from teacher training to employment, highlight outcomes for various teacher demographics, and promote awareness of the relationships between teacher preparation, employment, and retention.
- Infographic using linked data across higher education, teacher assignment, and employment to show various visualizations, with graphs for:
- The number of individuals entering and completing teacher preparation programs at CSU institutions
- The rates at which newly credentialed teachers secure jobs in public schools
- The alignment between teacher credentials and teaching assignments
- How newly credentialed teachers’ racial/ethnic characteristics compare to those of the students they teach
- The retention rates of teachers in public schools over time disaggregated by credentialing pathway (traditional, emergency permits, waivers, internships)
- The employment trends and income trajectories for teachers entering and exiting the teacher workforce by industry
- Disaggregation by: a) academic year, b) statewide/district/region, c) teacher characteristics (including race/ethnicity, gender, age, prior work history, educational history), d) credential characteristics (including certification pathway, subject demonstration type, credential type)
- Export with the ability to provide summary files or charts based on the variables selected