The type of award earned by the individual at private California colleges
- Coming soon
Display Options
- Coming soon
Available Years
- Coming soon
Time Frame
- Coming soon
- Coming soon
The first academic term the individual enrolled in college within an academic year
- Coming soon
Display Options
- Coming soon
Available Years
- Coming soon
Time Frame
- Coming soon
- Coming soon
The first academic term the individual applied to college within an academic year
- Coming soon
Display Options
- Coming soon
Available Years
- Coming soon
Time Frame
- Coming soon
- Coming soon
The postsecondary institution the individual attended
- Coming soon
Display Options
- Coming soon
Available Years
- Coming soon
Time Frame
- Coming soon
- Coming soon
The type of degree earned by the individual at four-year institutions
- This element will be available in both the dashboard and the query builder tool
Display Options
- Bachelor’s Degree (BA/BS)
- Master’s Degree
- Doctor’s Degree-Research
- Doctor’s Degree-Professional practice
- Doctor’s Degree-Other
- Postbaccalaureate and Post-Master’s Certificate
- No award reported
Available Years
- Early learning care cohort: N/A
- K-12 data: N/A
- Postsecondary data: 2007-2008
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
The individual’s status when first enrolled in postsecondary education
- This element will only be available in the query builder tool
Display Options
- Dual enrollment
- First time regular admission
- Transfer student
- Not reported
Available Years
- Early learning and care data: N/A
- K-12 data: N/A
- Postsecondary data: 2007-2008
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
The type of award earned by the individual at community colleges
- This element will be available in both the dashboard and the query builder tool
Display Options
- Noncredit certificate
- Chancellor’s Office approved credit certificate
- Associate Degree of Arts or Sciences (AA/AS)
- Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T/AS-T)
- Community College Bachelor’s Degree (BA/BS)
- No award reported
Available Years
- Early learning and care data: N/A
- K-12 data: N/A
- Postsecondary data: 2007-2008
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
The community college student’s level of preparation to transfer to a four-year institution
- This element will be available in both the dashboards and the query builder tool
Display Options
- Transfer prepared
- Transfer ready
- Completed an Associate Degree for Transfer
- Not prepared for transfer
- Not reported
Available Years
- Early learning and care data: N/A
- K-12 data: N/A
- Postsecondary data: 2007-2008
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
The type of English as a Second Language course taken in community college
- This element will only be available in the query builder tool
Display Options
- Took an ESL writing course
- Took an ESL reading course
- Took an ESL speaking/listening course
- Took an integrated ESL course
- Not reported
Available Years
- Early learning and care data: N/A
- K-12 data: N/A
- Postsecondary data: 2007-2008
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
Whether the individual who started in the fall enrolled in the subsequent fall
- This element will be available in both the dashboard and the query builder tool
Display Options
- Returned for second year
- Did not return for second year
- Not reported
Available Years
- Early learning and care data: N/A
- K-12 data: N/A
- Postsecondary data: 2009
- Annual snapshot view: 2009
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
Whether the individual who enrolled in the fall term returned in the spring term
- This element will be available in both the dashboard and the query builder tool
Display Options
- Retained from fall to spring term
- Was not retained from fall to spring term
- Not reported
Available Years
- Early learning and care data: N/A
- K-12 data: N/A
- Postsecondary data: 2007-2008
- Annual snapshot view: 2007-2008
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
Whether the individual enrolled in college part time
- This element will only be available in the query builder tool
Display Options
- Enrolled in fewer than 12 units in one term
- Enrolled in fewer than 12 units in more than one term
- Enrolled in 12 or more units in all terms
- Not reported
Available Years
- Early learning and care data: N/A
- K-12 data: N/A
- Postsecondary data: 2009-2010
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)