The type of financial aid the individual received
- This element will be available in both the dashboards and the query builder tool
Display Options
- Chafee Grant for Foster Youth
- State Grants
- Federal Grants
- Institutional Loans
- State Loans
- Federal Loans
- Private Loans
- Scholarships
- State Work Study
- Federal Work Study
- Not Reported
Available Years
- CCC: 2009-2010 to present
- CSAC: 2009-2010 to present
- CSU: 2017-2018 to present
- UC: 2002-2003 to present
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
The individual’s sex/gender
- This element will be available in both the dashboards and the query builder tool
Display Options
- Male
- Female
- Nonbinary (includes all options other than Male or Female)
- Not Reported
Available Years
- CDE: 2012-2013 to present (nonbinary available beginning in 2019-2020)
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
Whether the individual received financial aid
- This element will be available in both the dashboards and the query builder tool
Display Options
- Received aid
- Did not receive aid
- Not Reported
Available Years
- Early learning and care data: N/A
- K-12 data: N/A
- Postsecondary data: 2007-2008
- Annual snapshot view: 2007-2008
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
The military status of the individual
- This element will be available in both the dashboards and the query builder tool
Display Options
- Active duty
- National Guard
- Active Reserves
- Veteran
- Did not serve in the military
- Not Reported
Available Years
- Early learning and care data: not available
- K-12 data: not available
- Postsecondary data: 2012-2013
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
The highest education level of the individual’s parents or guardians
- Coming soon
Display Options
- Coming soon
Available Years
- Coming soon
Time Frame
- Coming soon
- Coming soon
Whether the individual was identified as homeless
- This element will be available in both the dashboards and the query builder tool
Display Options
- Homeless
- Not homeless
- Not reported
Available Years
- CDE: 2012-2013 to present
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected year
- Within the Selected School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
Annual earnings of parents of financially dependent individuals or of financially independent individuals in postsecondary education
- This element will only be available in the query builder tool
Display Options
- Under $12,000
- $12,000 – $23,999
- $24,000 – $35,999
- $36,000 – $47,999
- $48,000 – $59,999
- $60,000 – $71,999
- $72,000 – $83,999
- $84,000 – $95,999
- $96,000 and over
- Not reported
Available Years
- Early learning and care data: N/A
- K-12 data: N/A
- Postsecondary data: 2014-2015
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
Among all individuals who applied for federal financial aid, the expected contribution from family members for one academic year
- This element will only be available in the query builder tool
Display Options
- $0
- $1 < $5,711
- $5712 < $9,999
- $10,000 <$19,999
- $20,000 <$29,999
- $30,000 <$39,999
- $40,000 < $49,999
- $50,000 <$59,999
- $60,000 < $69,999
- $70,000 < $79,999
- $80,000 < $89,999
- $90,000 < $99,999
- Greater than or equal to $100,000
- Not Reported
Available Years
- Early learning and care data: N/A
- K-12 data: N/A
- Postsecondary data: 2014-2015
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
Among all individuals who received federal financial aid, the expected contribution from family members for one academic year
- This element will only be available in the query builder tool
Display Options
- 0
- 1-1,000
- 1,001-2,000
- 2,001-3,000
- 3,001-4,000
- 4,001-5,000
- 5,001-6,000
- 6,001-7,000
- 7,001-8,000
- 8,001-9,000
- 9,001-10,000
- 10,001-11,000
- 11,001-12,000
- 12,001-13,000
- 13,001-14,000
- 14,001-15,000
- 15,001-20,000
- 20,001-30,000
- Above 30,000
- Not Reported
Available Years
- Early learning and care data: N/A
- K-12 data: N/A
- Postsecondary data: 2014-2015
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
Whether the individual is dependent upon family for support
- This element will only be available in the query builder tool
Display Options
- Family support considered for financial aid
- Financial aid based on income of the student only
- Not reported
Available Years
- Early learning and care data: not available
- K-12 data: not available
- Postsecondary data: 2014-2015
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected year
- School Year: July 1–June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
Whether the individual was eligible for state financial aid
- This element will only be available in the query builder tool
Display Options
- Eligible for state financial aid
- Not eligible for state financial aid
- Not reported
Available Years
- Early learning care cohort: N/A
- K-12 data: N/A
- Postsecondary data: 2006-2007
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)