Whether the K-12 institution offered Pre-K in a given year
- Coming soon
Display Options
- Coming soon
Available Years
- Coming soon
Time Frame
- Coming soon
- Coming soon
The individual’s sex/gender
- This element will be available in both the dashboards and the query builder tool
Display Options
- Male
- Female
- Nonbinary (includes all options other than Male or Female)
- Not Reported
Available Years
- CDE: 2012-2013 to present (nonbinary available beginning in 2019-2020)
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
The individual’s race/ethnicity
- This element will be available in both the dashboards and the query builder tool
Display Options
- American Indian or Alaska Native
- Asian
- Black or African American
- Hispanic or Latino
- Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
- White
- Two or More Races
- Not Reported
Available Years
- CDE: 2012-2013 to present
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
Whether the individual was identified as a foster youth
- This element will be available in both the dashboards and the query builder tool
Display Options
- Ever had an open child welfare case (inclusive of all youth on probation who are in anout-of-home placement)
- Family maintenance case only
- At least one out-of-home placement (inclusive of those that were placed out-of-homethrough a voluntary placement agreement)
- With out-of-home placement orders on or after 13th birthday
- Not reported
Available Years
- DSS: 2009 to current
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected year
- Within a School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
The primary language spoken by a child when enrolled in subsidized early learning and care
- Coming soon
Display Options
- Coming soon
Available Years
- Coming soon
Time Frame
- Coming soon
- Coming soon
Whether the individual ever participated in CalFresh, a nutrition program that helps households buy healthy foods
- This element will be available in both the dashboards and the query builder tool
Display Options
- Received CalFresh
- Eligible for CalFresh but did not receive it
- Not eligible for and did not receive CalFresh
- Not reported
Available Years
- Early learning and care data: 2015-2016
- K-12 data: 2015-2016
- Postsecondary data: 2015-2016
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
Whether the individual ever participated in CalWORKS, a public assistance program that provides cash aid and services to eligible families that have a child or children in the home
- This element will be available in both the dashboards and the query builder tool
Display Options
- Received CalWORKS
- Eligible for CalWORKS, but did not receive it
- Not eligible for and did not receive CalWORKS
- Not reported
Available Years
- Early learning and care data: 2015-2016
- K-12 data: 2015-2016
- Postsecondary data: 2015-2016
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)
Whether the individual had a disability while in early learning and care or K-12
- This element will be available in both the dashboards and the query builder tool
Display Options
- Yes
- No
- Not reported
Available Years
- CDE: 2012-2013 to present
Time Frame
- If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
- School Year: July 1 – June 30
- Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)