Completed High School

The individual’s high school completion status


  • This element will be available in both the dashboard and the query builder tool

Display Options

  • Graduated with standard high school diploma
  • Students with disabilities who completed their Individualized Education Program (IEP) and received a certificate of completion
  • Left school and enrolled in an Adult Education Program and received an adult basic education high school diploma
  • Left school and received a High School Equivalency Certificate by passing a recognized exam
  • Left school after passing the California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE)
  • Completed grade 12 or exceeded maximum age for highs school attendance without meeting state and/or local high school graduation requirements
  • Not reported

Available Years

  • Early learning and care data: N/A
  • K-12 data: 2003-2004
  • Postsecondary data: N/A

Time Frame

  • If ever: Any time up to and including the selected academic year
  • School Year: July 1 – June 30


  • Display level selected (such as institution, region, statewide)

Data Providers

  • CDE – California Department of Education

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