Workforce Data Expansion

During the planning process of the Cradle-to-Career Data System, state agency representatives and community members recommended that the analytical data set include information on workforce training to deepen understanding about ways that adults prepare for jobs and to identify how education and workforce training relate to employment and earnings. 

  • Working with the Labor and Workforce Development Agency to identify priority research topics and the data points necessary to answer those questions
  • Convening a task force of community members who are workforce data experts to identify additional priority questions and information required to answer those queries
  • Facilitating discussions with state agencies to support the expansion of the P20W analytical data set
  • Reading a memo from the Labor and Workforce Development Agency about ways to expand the P20W data set
  • Participating in meetings of the task force or reading meeting summaries
  • Attending Community Conversations about proposed additions to the P20W data set

Upcoming Workforce Data Expansion Task Force Meetings:

Past Workforce Data Expansion Task Force Meetings:

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