Archived Cradle-to-Career Dashboards
The California Cradle-to-Career Data System (C2C) will launch a series of data dashboards featuring C2C’s linked dataset to provide critical information to identify trends in education and workforce outcomes and help the public better understand and address important topics.
This page houses the archived descriptions of dashboards that will be available in the Cradle-to-Career System.
Pathway Diagram
The Student Pathways Dashboard description was revised on the Cradle-to-Career website on 08/02/2024, to reflect the first version of the dashboard that will be launched in 2024. Please refer to the original description below:
- For All: clarify the educational pathways from early childhood to postsecondary education and employment, clarify differential outcomes for various student populations, and foster greater awareness about the interconnection between education, employment, and living wages
- Infographic showing the flow of students over time through each phase of education from early care to postsecondary, to clarify when individuals drop out of the education system, plus a second infographic that shows when individuals start working once in postsecondary, when they make a living wage, and how that intersects with specific types of education pathways
- Disaggregation by: a) academic year, b) statewide/district/region, c) starting point of early care or kindergarten, d) student characteristics (including race/ethnicity, gender, age bracket, parental education level, childhood English language learner, socioeconomic status, foster status, and homeless status)
- Export with the ability to provide summary files or charts based on the variables selected
The first version of the Student Pathways Dashboard will not include some data elements listed in the original description. The Cradle-to-Career team intends for these data elements to be included in future releases of the Student Pathways Dashboard. Some of these elements, including early childhood data, have not been ingested into the data system yet. For other metrics and variables, the C2C team and C2C’s data partners need to work through data availability, data quality, or data interpretation issues. The Cradle-to-Career team is actively exploring how to best represent these data (for example, see a recent staff report on socioeconomic status and parental education level).
Dashboard Milestones
- 2021 – Original dashboard specifications finalized in the planning process
- October 2023 – Initial data import
- March 2024 – First annual data import
Teacher Training and Retention Dashboard
The Teacher Training and Retention Dashboard description was revised on the Cradle-to-Career website on 08/02/2024, to reflect the first version of the dashboard that will be launched later in 2025. Please refer to the original description below:
- For All: clarify the educational pathways from early childhood to postsecondary education and employment, clarify differential outcomes for various student populations, and foster greater awareness about the interconnection between education, employment, and living wages
- Infographic showing the flow of students over time through each phase of education from early care to postsecondary, to clarify when individuals drop out of the education system, plus a second infographic that shows when individuals start working once in postsecondary, when they make a living wage, and how that intersects with specific types of education pathways
- Disaggregation by: a) academic year, b) statewide/district/region, c) starting point of early care or kindergarten, d) student characteristics (including race/ethnicity, gender, age bracket, parental education level, childhood English language learner, socioeconomic status, foster status, and homeless status)
- Export with the ability to provide summary files or charts based on the variables selected
The first version of the Teacher Training and Retention Dashboard will not include some data elements listed in the original description. At this time, C2C does not anticipate having teacher shortage and teacher vacancy data. The description will be updated should these data become available. Some variables will be derived from multiple sources. Teacher demographic characteristics will be derived from data provided by CTC, CSU, UC, and CCC. Other metrics and variables, such as living wage data require careful consideration of how they are defined and interpreted. The Cradle-to-Career team is actively exploring how to best incorporate these data into the P20W dataset.
Dashboard Milestones
- December 16, 2020: Teacher Dashboard Proposed in the Planning Process (download to view)
- February 22, 2022: Proposed Teacher Dashboard Overview Published
- May 11, 2022: Taskforce on Teacher Dashboard Formed
- August 10, 2022: Taskforce Report Out on Teacher Dashboard
- April 28, 2023: Governing Board votes to request CTC and CSU data to the P20W System [Staff Report]
- May 2, 2023: Revised version of the Teacher Dashboard Overview Published Overview: C2C Teacher Training and Retention Dashboard
- May 1, 2024: Governing Board votes to request teacher assignment data from CDE [Staff Report]